Insights and trends from Defense Exhibitions 2023

Expando’s team participated in three significant industry events this year: DSEI in London, DALO Industry Days in Copenhagen, and FSi Exhibition in Oslo.

These events collectively marked a record with an unprecedented number of exhibitors and attendees. Among the standout trends were the surging interest in Edge computing, a technology revolutionizing information technology and its applications in the military sector. Edge computing brings data processing and storage closer to the source, reducing latency and enabling near real-time decision-making.

Expando’s computing solutions are uniquely positioned to excel in this evolving landscape. With the growing prevalence of remote weapon stations and unmanned vehicles across air, sea, and land, coupled with the heightened focus on video data management and analysis, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to become pivotal. Consequently, the demand for enhanced computing and storage capabilities is more pressing than ever.

In light of these developments, the urgency and funding within the defense and aerospace industry have reached unprecedented levels. This underscores the significance of adopting Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solutions, tailored to meet specific customer needs. It is clear that this approach represents the path forward in this dynamic landscape of technological advancement and evolving security demands.

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