Welcoming Carlo Talamo

We’re delighted to introduce Carlo Talamo, the newest addition to our team at Expando. With over 20 years of experience in the IT and embedded market, Carlo brings a unique perspective that aligns seamlessly with Expando’s vision for the future.

Let’s have a look at Carlo’s initial experiences at Expando and the enthusiasm about his new role.

What occupied your professional focus before you became a part of our team?
Since my first “real” job, I’ve always worked with IT-related products. I have had various roles throughout the years, but for the past 20+ years, I’ve been focused on the embedded market. My last 9 years I’ve spent with Advantech successfully building up their Nordic Embedded IOT organization.

Reflect on the initial stages of your Expando journey and share some key moments from your first few weeks.
Fika! What an underestimated tradition that truly contributes to building a strong team spirit. Expando is a great workplace with warmth, friendliness, and I have really felt welcome to the team.

In what ways do you see your unique skills and background shaping your impact in your Expando role?
In my roles within sales, key for me has always been to build up long-term relationships with my customers. I am today in touch with customers who I’ve been doing business with for the past 20 years throughout various employers. My experience within the embedded market comes in very handy in the fields where Expando is active, where technology knowledge, patience, and persistence are very much needed.

Describe the path that led you to Expando and share the aspects of your new role that ignite your enthusiasm.
After 9 years working for a global company who have products addressing almost all vertical markets, I started to think of doing something else. I got a call from Calle who is an old friend and former colleague asking me if I knew anyone interested in a sales role at Expando. I said I would keep my eyes and ears open since I couldn’t think of anyone in that moment. After 3 days, I called Calle and said, “What about me?”. After a meeting with Otto, I was fully convinced that the journey Expando is doing right now was exactly what I wanted to be part of.

As Carlo becomes an integral part of our Expando family, we extend a warm welcome. His commitment to building enduring customer relationships and wealth of experience in the embedded market align perfectly with our mission.

Welcome to the team, Carlo!

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